The Heritage Centre

The Penkridge Heritage Centre began life as an 18th Century barn and was later converted to a gaol. It is situated across the road from the old Constable’s Cottage and directly behind the village stocks. There have been stocks in the village for around 500 years, conveniently place beside Bell Brook for the easy disposal of rubbish thrown at local miscreants. The building was last used as a gaol in 1837 and voer the years time took its toll on the fabric.

In the year 2000, with the help of a generous grant from the Onyx Environmental Trust nad many local sources, the building was acquired by Penkridge Civic Society and refurbished as the Society’s Headquarters and a village amenity. It now offers a reconstructed 18th century prison cell, displays about the building itself, an annual themed exhibition about Penkridge, the surrounding area and its past, and is a centre for courses in local history.

The Civic Society

The Society was formed in 1995 was the particular objective of caring for the past, present and future of Penkridge. Since then the Society has gained recognition and is consulted on local planning developments within the conservation area. Special projects are frequently undertaken and locally themed exhibitions are mounted annually in the Heritage Centre (The Old Gaol) in Bellbrook.

The Civic Society holds regular meetings with speakers on topics of local and historical interest. These meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month (except August and December) at the Heritage Centre commencing at 7.30 pm. Annual membership subscription is 10
but non members are welcome to attend at a fee of
2 per session.


Are you interested in joining? Then please contact David Calcroft (Chairman) on 01785 713558, Delys Rogers (Secretary) on 01785 711047 or Anne Smith (Treasurer) on 01785 715120 or just come along to one of our meetings. You will be most welcome.

The Society is a registered charity, entirely dependent on subscriptions and donations and is always keen to welcome new members.